You say she says you are black and white.
I say I am full of colour.
Shall I become grey to suit her description,
Or will you become technicolor?
She is right, she knows you well.
Me, I'm full of pain - and pain has all the colours, including the colour passion.
You say passion is good, but you can not know it because you are colour blind; you are black and white, you said she said so.
Being WOMAN, I am colour; I know that passion is Red.
And now I am Red.
I am RED. I am ANGRY.
You see time as linear and you say that we were long ago; do you feel safe in your distance?
You see yourself apart, but you are not, because a part of you belongs to me. Is that part of me that belongs to you vital organ or is it limb? I wonder.
I want that part that belongs amputated and cut away. Like you I had thought it had died long, long, ago, but I was wrong; it only took one look and it lives again.
Will I die or will I live when you go? Will I become androgynous or will I stay woman, broken and open abuse?
Anyway you look at it, I am damaged goods.
All my love xx
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